時代、period, age, era, times
時代, period, age, era, times
- 【英語】period/age/era(時代)の意味の違いと使い分け
- 「○○時代」って英語で何て言えばいい?eraとperiodの違いは? : 英検1級講師の英語ブログ
- 大航海時代:great navigation times
- Weblio和英辞書 -「大航海時代」の英語・英語例文・英語表現
cannot convert 'bool' to 'WiringPinMode' for argument '2' to 'void pinMode(uint8, WiringPinMode)'
- Breakage caused by PinStatus and PinMode types · Issue #25 · arduino/ArduinoCore-API · GitHub
- cannot convert 'bool' to 'PinStatus' for argument '2' to 'void digitalWrite(pin_size_t, PinStatus) on Arduino Uno Rev 2 Wifi not working - Arduino Stack Exchange
- SOLVED: could not convert ... from 'void' to 'bool'
- arduino uno - A1 was not declared in the scope - Arduino Stack Exchange
- cannot covert 'bool' to 'WiringPinMode'
error: conflicting declaration 'SPIClass SPI'
- Compilation error with BMP280 library and arduino nano BLE
- SPI wont work on STM32F4 (?) - Spark Logic
- Wio LTE Tracker: SD Card examples do not compile - Wio Series - Seeed Forum
'sprintf' was not declared in this scope arduino
- The following packages have unmet dependencies:cuda-11-1 : Depends: cuda-runtime-11-1 (>= 11.1.0) but it is not going to be installedDepends: cuda-demo-suite-11-1 (>= 11.1.74) but it is not going to be installedE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
- Installation Guide Linux :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation
- Installation Guide Linux :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation
- Ubuntu 20.04へのCUDAインストール方法 - Qiita
- CUDA Toolkit 11.1 Update 1 Downloads | NVIDIA Developer
- Installation broken - Tensorflow 2.1 Cuda 10.1 Ubuntu 18.04 · Issue #36121 · tensorflow/tensorflow · GitHub
- GPU support | TensorFlow
- Download Drivers | NVIDIA
- Ubuntu 20.04LTS + GPU に cuda, Anaconda, Tensorflow, Pytorch を入れる - Qiita
AWS IoT GreengrassとFreeRTOS
- よくある質問 - Amazon FreeRTOS | AWS
- AWS Greengrassを動かしてみた – さくらインターネット研究所
- AWS IoT Greengrass(AWS をエッジデバイスへシームレスに拡張)| AWS
- AWS IoT GreengrassのOTA更新をやってみた - Qiita
- Amazon FreeRTOSがESP32に対応したのでさっそく試してみた | Developers.IO
- Espressif ESP32 での FreeRTOS OTA デモのダウンロード、ビルド、フラッシュ、実行 - FreeRTOS
- NEEVEE | Smart IoT Solutions | Embedded Linux & Firmware Development and Training | Amazon Web Service (AWS) Internet of Things (IoT) Device Firmware | AWS IOT DEVICE FIRMWARE WITH SECURED CLOUD CONNECTIVITY
- AWS IoT Greengrass Core ソフトウェアの OTA 更新 - AWS IoT Greengrass
OTA, over the air
- ArduinoOTAでプログラムの無線書き込み(ESP8266) | なんでも独り言
- GitHub - jandrassy/ArduinoOTA: Arduino library to upload sketch over network to Arduino board with WiFi or Ethernet libraries
- arduino firmware update through can bus
- GitHub - collin80/FirmwareReceiver